Welcome to Future Creation Institute


FCI builds the future and provides consulting services
to guide you into the future.









How FCI Think
FCI's Goals
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How FCI Works With You
About Us

 FCI does not provide solutions directly, instead it desires to remedy companies with problems.
We tend to envision the future as an extension of the past and present. However, our prediction often turn out to be different from outcome. We have another thinking toward the future.
It is called Design Thinking. First, imagine your ideal future first. The more you can draw from there and design the details, the more certain that you will achieve your desired future.
 We know how to do this.
Once you confirm where you are headed, you can share it internally and focus our efforts so that you can reach the next stage more quickly and hope to take it to the next level.
 From the top management of a company to each employee, there are many differences of opinion due to the uniqueness of each person's life and experiences.
 FCI believes that these differences can contribute to the development of your company by beingintegrated into a set direction, and by efficiently and effectively selecting and utilizing the methods, methodologies, and approaches that exist today, and by accumulating manpower.
 FCI will always be with you as you move forward.
If you are wondering, "Something is wrong. Is it safe to go on like this?
 FCI will always stop and reconsider the future together with you, then we will move forward.
Because the future is so complex that is constantly changing
 It is our important job to always "think and rethink".




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